
  • An historical biopic of King Saul with modern-day implications.
  • 00? can also double as a satirical or educational portrayal of Amalek – a tragedy for Sky Tayla who is completely bluffed by Alfred until the very end but she has hunches about the truth along the way.
When Samuel found out about Saul’s disobedience, Saul lost his right to kingship. Samuel then killed Agag himself. However, before he was killed, Agag sired a child who would keep Amalek’s lineage alive. [1]

Chassidic philosophy explains that Amalek represents the pinnacle of evil, the ability to “know G‑d and intentionally rebel.” Most evil can be combated by arguments of reason; not so Amalek. He cynically scoffs at every reason to do good, sowing doubt and confusion...Irrational doubt neutralizes the most convincing arguments or inspiring experiences. Amalek is the constant doubter, brazenly rushing to any sign of passion for holiness and cooling things down. [1]

Chofetz Chaim said that God would perform the elimination of Amalek, and Jews are commanded only to remember what Amalek did to them. [2]


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