2017: Yearning but not Burning!
Without the harsh UV of Australia, the Mediterranean enables all-day (sun) loving.
(last updated: 11 November 2024)
[ 12 Aug 2017 ] [ Vision of Ramala, 1991, p. 222 ]
1) *
[16 Apr 2015 + 29 Aug 2017]
[29 Aug 2017 (TA Beach) + 4 Oct 2016]
4) *
[4 Dec 2017 + 7 Oct 2016] [7 Oct 2016 + 29 Aug 2017]
[20 Dec 2017]
[ self-portrait (TA beach – 30 Jun 2017) insertion – src – CC ]
8) *
[ 8 Oct 2017 + 4 April 2018 (Atlit) ]
Suddenly, I was interrupted by a faint shout from the depths of my soul:
‘Wake up Kundalini,’ yelled out a voice identical to my own.
Not surprisingly the Kundalini woke up, but not like a wild serpent but instead like that of a wave gently finishing up its journey onto a sandy beach. The flow emanated from my lower spine and was creeping its way into my brain.
[ memoir – “Introducing the Shechina / שְׁכִינָה ” – April 2001 ]
9) *
[2016 + 12 Sep 2017]
10) *
[6 July 2017] [9 Jan 2018]
11) *
[ 24 Aug 2017, Tower of David ] [22 Jan 2018, Netanya]
There’s the 12 stones, that go to the 12 tribes of Israel that the priests wear on the breastplate which a lot of people don’t really talk about.
One of the rabbis who provided the list said “you have to be pure of heart when you’re using the stones that I listed out because they’ll be harmful to you if you are not.”
– Crrow777 + Karen B | ep 527 | 27:00 + 34:57
[ 8 Nov 2018 ] [ Vision of Ramala, 1991, p. 64 ]
[ 19 May 2017 ] [ + self-portrait insertion | 1973/2013 | CC ]
[ 15 July 2018 + 30 June 2017 ]
* [ disclaimer ]
Note: photos of Tel Aviv beach are already available publicly [Google search] under a Creative Commons license that may allow similar composite images to be made, even without me having had to travel there. This blog already has a number of composite images, including photos of people who have not met or physically seen me, and who likely don’t know about their use in such images, as a result of their appearance in a photo published under an according license.
Other rights do exist, as well as interpersonal and cultural considerations and tastes, but there are photographers (not all) who encourage their works to be altered and changed – like with music. That includes in private and public spaces.
If people can’t explain their actions and boundaries, other people can do so within that vacuum. On the other side of rights are obligations and I may not want my photo taken, but does that obligate another not to do so? How are opposing points-of-view reconciled regarding self-image in a dualistic world?
On another level, perhaps the photographer and subject are even one and the same.
[ 20 Aug 2017 ]
I was using a Canon G9X M2 from early 2017 onward, a pocket camera, and taking photos was part of my journey, and the same journey would’ve taken place whether I had it or not. I didn’t even need to (fully) stop to take photos and its high resolution meant I could frame subjects later in editing if need be. This has already been mentioned in this post. Walking along the beach was important for grounding to the earth.
It had a touch focus/shutter and could be used with one hand.
[ 9 July 2017 ]
If only more people shot with cameras instead of guns or syringes.
✓ 4 months ago