2000: Kundalini – the untold tales.

Looking back, I think some my collected tales were exaggerated or even lies – they were the tails!

(updated: 23 December 2022)

A week ago a new series started called “The K Files – Kundalini Secrets Revealed” and this reminded me of the late 90s when I became highly interested in the topics of eastern religion, metaphysics, mysticism, New Age, health and Ascension.

What really interested me back then were tales of true Kundalini awakenings whereby:

In personal accounts of the rising of kundalini, there is an endless array of emotions, strange thoughts, and visions, but descriptions of physical signs and symptoms or actual sensations are rare.

source: Sanella M.D. (1976) Kundalini – Psychosis or Transcendence? [page 7]

Back then I was under the impression that:

When allowed to progress to completion, the Kundalini process culminates in deep psychological balance, strength, and maturity.

source: Hansen (1995) Schizophrenia or Spiritual Crisis? On “Raising the Kundalini” and Its Diagnostic Classification

So in early 2000 I setup a website and published actual accounts of awakenings collected from forums and over email. I also had a links directory and wrote essays, with one being Evolution Revolution.

[ pic 3 – links at March 2005 | pic 4 – links at June 2006 with added Jewish section ]

I received lots of solid feedback from the guest book including:

Andy: Very informative page! Good to share these experiences without risking being treated as psychotic. I believe that mainly the subconscious is doing this... (May, 2004)

Christine: I deeply appreciate this site.. I can find no other like it... (November, 2002)

Mike: Thanks for the kind words and interest in my experience. It means a lot to be acknowledged like that. (June, 2002)

The work I was doing back then was a major reason for me to travel to Israel… to get more of a Jewish perspective on the metaphysical.

In other words, I went from reading What is Enlightenment? in Byron Bay regarding ‘Differentiation with Integration‘:


whilst also listening to Bashar in Melbourne:

to hearing Rabbi Geller at Aish Hatorah in Jerusalem alongside Jacob Winkler who had also ventured to Israel in a similar vein:

I even told Rabbi Geller about Bashar.

I met a number of Jewish students in Israel, mostly from the USA and mainly guys. At one point in 2006, I must have had around 40 phone numbers in my phone. That was just prior to Facebook becoming popular.

The chap below was from England, I don’t remember his name but “Snowgums” was the ski lodge I stayed at growing up (see his jacket brand), and drove to in a Jaguar with my grandfather.

The fellow at left below, I don’t remember his name but came on Birthright Israel. A lot of Birthrighters are Jews and have little conscious Torah understanding and maybe have few or no Jewish friends and really seek meaningful connections more than anything else. Some aren’t even strictly Jewish. Below right is Harav Nota Schiller of Ohr Somayach with Larry Flisser. With Rav Schiller, I made a point that some of the most important people in the Jewish world are not the best teachers and brightest minds, but the facilitators and administrators behind the scenes that get no glory. He appreciated that, and after I met Larry, for a moment he paused and then said I blessed him and we were instant best friends… at least for that moment.


And the real crux of the matter is that there is a vast chasm between “good” Kundalini awakenings and “bad” ones. So for those that go about trying to awaken the Kundalini, one has to wonder why on Earth would you want to do that? I mean, do you feel lucky punk?

But now in 2022, I recently heard about a healer who is having trouble stimulating Kundalini in her sick patients and is also scaling back her practice. So maybe it’s not about luck anymore, it’s about need and survival. Also, with pandemic and mass death at the forefront of people’s minds, perhaps it’s time to take Ormus King more seriously which sees both of these themes throughout, including death as a fuel for longevity and ecstasy in OK4.

✓ 4 months ago