True Perps

– part 2 of 5: Beyond Blacklists: EXPOSURE!

(last updated: 26 October 2022)

1) Hollywood
2) Hillel Square
3) Israel Tech

In my view, truly evil people enjoy hurting others and seek out opportunities to do so. It’s schadenfreude on steroids.

Evil people can reside and work anywhere – but ideally in positions of power over their targets so they can sustain it over time. They may even wrap themselves in flags, emblems and surround themselves with good people who are kept in the dark of their real intentions. Their empathy is cold and in order to feel, they need to sense pain.

further info: Return to the Convent, by Eduardo Zamacois y Zabala, 1868
further info: Prosecutors: Officer was on Floyd’s neck for about 9 minutes

But it doesn’t have to involve murder – as long as there’s pain at some level. That’s the goal of the perpetrator.

1) Hollywood

I even delve into this topic in Ormus King 4 where an alien cult on another planet kills off entire planets in order to extend their own lifespan so that life-force is siphoned from the ritualized slaughter by the perpetrators.

Regarding my own experiences, in my comparison document, Ormus King Octology vs Disney Star Wars I state:

The Rise of Skywalker seems to be a half-baked amalgamation of “Star Wars: Impossible Redemption” + OK4 + OK6 + OK9 with additional  layers to enable it to fit into the new Star Wars universe.”

However, at the time of writing that document, I had trouble concluding it, but if Kamran Pasha is to be believed, I now feel I am in a better position to, and it relates to the Hollywood culture of humiliating and hurting talented creatives by the untalented families or insiders that reside within that scene – and so they could be the perpetrators to which I speak of.

"Hollywood is very much a club - it's a mafia and it resists any efforts for you to come in - especially if you aren't part of the multi-generational, multi-family mafia that has existed for a century in this town. If you come in as an entrepreneur they resist you. Same thing happened with George Lucas... he outsmarted the mafia... and they don't like that. Ruining his baby was a personal thing... he was lied to..."

"The horrible realization comes that it's because you're not one of the club."

"And that's one of the most shocking realizations for people. Because everyone wants to believe that they are accepted in this town for their talent, their genius and then the realization that the people in this town who have power often lack talent and genius but are part of a multi-generational club and who want to preserve that - that realization can be quite shattering." ~ Kamran Pasha (17:11)

[MARVEL, Hollywood and the dependency on China; feat. Kamran Pasha and Doomcock! | MEitM #100]

Pasha in a later video explains how Disney Star Wars should’ve been about “passing the torch to Ray” but instead it was “screw these old white men” because “Ms Kennedy had her own agendas.”

see: [Weekly Roundup [Current State of Hollywood with Guest Kamran Pasha] (56:40 – 58:30)]

To me it was the level of subversion to the prior 6 films which was very disturbing.

Interestingly, a person who built sets for Hollywood productions recently told me it’s possible to break into the Hollywood scene by doing the right drugs with the right people. He also thoroughly disliked the attitudes of many people in the scene and said so many are utterly vain and ruthless.

Continuing with Pasha, if he is correct, then the Star Wars sequel trilogy (7,8,9) was ultimately about:

  • hurting George Lucas by ignoring his story ideas and putting him through a humiliation ritual instead.
  • hurting the fanbase whereby (according to my comparison document) the sequel trilogy “wrecked the hero-archetype and journey and this is its main social failure and cause for social upheaval” and pushing some type of SJW ideas instead.
  • hurting me by taking and vandalizing many good ideas from my ennealogy.

As such, it really was an act of Satanic Ritual Abuse – or at least a good attempt at it. So the audience thought they were going in to be entertained, but the perpetrators were the ones being entertained. This is an extreme and unusual, yet I feel valid point-of-view, although isn’t that what Hollywood is about: normalizing the extreme?!? A movie’s overall intentions can be perceived very differently by the audience to the ones who had made it.

With regards to my own witnessing of evil directed against me, I have written about some experiences in A Brutish Affliction: Part 1 (Australia).

2) Hillel Square

At the same time in Israel, I also saw some disturbing things, for example in Launchpad Israel: The Aftermath – 2006 and Beyond I mentioned street gangs “starting on me” while playing drums. I also referred to a fellow at a tech event who was being pursued by an operative who was purposely and very visibly suppressing his social network.

Adding to this, I was sitting once at an outdoor square (on Hillel street – no actual pics of incident) at night in Jerusalem, maybe 2011 and I walked up to, and sat with a group of Arabs, and I am almost certain this one chap in the group was a Palestinian – or pretending to be one.


We were completely isolated from everyone around us even though the square was actually very busy. He asked “Do you support the Palestinians?” in an aggressive manner. I hesitated and said “maybe.” He asked again and I repeated the answer. His friends were surprised yet quietly amused by it, but he wasn’t. I quickly left and hid across the road (blue.)

Then, I looked across at the square and saw him appear, looking up and down the street, presumably ready to chase me down (red) – I had embarrassed him and he got triggered. Imagine if I would’ve said ‘no’ instead of ‘maybe’ !?! And if I said ‘yes’ that could’ve meant providing him with some type of token of my Dhimmitude afterward.

Furthermore, at another time in the square, a young guy (pictured below) told me a story of how someone close to him had had their entire life savings (or a large part of it) confiscated in Israel due to either a personality conflict, or as a result of racism – I am not sure of the precise details. It might have been after immigration, and it greatly affected his family.

Lastly, while not directly in Hillel Square, I did see what appeared to be the late Tony “Tuvyah” Rose wandering around Ben Yehuda street alone on Shabbat in ~2013.  I am not entirely sure if it was him: it was a thought at the time – it did look strange. Anyhow, I first met him in Tsfat in 2005 and he ended up in the same hostel as me in Jerusalem in early 2007 (Jerusalem Hostel) – each time with his kids. He was later murdered in Tsfat in April 2014 by Avraham Levi Yosef Blau.

( top left : Tsfat mid-2005 | top right: Jerusalem 2006 | bottom: 0 1 2 3 )


I remember Tuvyah to be an insightful and caring fellow (Cancerian) who went through a difficult marriage breakup. I got along very well with him. His perpetrator was likely a genuinely violent and mentally disturbed person, who Tony probably had kept out of the shule once (I’d seen him do this before at the Shalom Rav shule with someone else,) and who returned later to murder him. Tony might have even been a hero – saving someone else in the process. On the other hand, perhaps Tony knew of this person prowling the streets of Tsfat and confronted him because the police had not done so up until that point – then later he was murdered by him, yet in the process Tony had this danger removed from Tsfat but in the most tragic way.

3) Israel Tech

Yet another highly significant incident came on 14 February 2009 when at a tech workshop (Eurekamp), a person – we had met before and I had blogged about this VC meeting about 1.5 years earlier on my Launchpad Israel site as one of its first posts – appeared at this event alongside a soon-to-be employee of his VC firm – Eden Shochat, who was then an entrepreneur and who I had encountered before and after this event at other tech events. This was to my surprise as the person in question was not on the user-generated (wiki) attendees list and was not wearing an assigned nametag.

My name can be seen below: (green arrow)

source: (17 Mar 2009 snapshot) – It is interesting to note that the 5 snapshots in the 2010 index have a whole bunch of names removed from this list, including my own. Weirdly, another 2010 snapshot (26 Feb) with a slightly altered URL maintains this 2009 list into 2010. Also, with some names removed, others have had their descriptions improved and updated into 2010.

source [ March ’09 | June ’10 ]

What happened to Yuri? What is it about ambition that leads people astray?

Throughout the time of kings and queens people struggled to climb the social ladder, not caring who they hurt in the climb to gain power. The power struggle that remained prominent throughout the ages is the underlying cause of most tragic events in Hamlet.

~ source – Themes of Ambition Through Shakespeare’s Hamlet

So, the person could be called X. Like the Palestinian mentioned above, I seemingly had also triggered him somehow. He was also seemingly behaving like the suppressive-operative previously mentioned.

As a result, during the course of the event, a number of strange occurrences occurred:

  1. a CTO (Yaniv Golan) who I had provided with good feedback regarding how to improve his website (Yedda) suddenly shook his finger at me – this was the first person I saw while walking up to the venue as I waited to cross at some traffic lights. He was close to X. I was expecting the opposite greeting but he was silent.
  2. when I first saw X inside, I sensed extremely angry vibes from this person, very similar to those of the man at the beach in Noosa mentioned in Brutish Affliction who could easily have been a killer.
  3. I conversed with Uri Levanon normally while he sat on a couch, yet later in the day he looked very spooked when I came up to speak to him a second time and didn’t want to speak at all. In 2007 I was looking to find an investor so he could license Timbaland’s Shock Value album via his firm Craze Digital.
  4. prior to this, X had a bunch of people standing around him – I suspect he was spying on me during the event to note who I was speaking to, and then gathered them all up at that point to scare them and defame me. This sounds paranoid – but I still hold it to be a viable inference when dealing with someone else behaving in a paranoid fashion.
  5. A 2nd talk of mine was then prematurely cancelled without any prior discussion with me: “Sleeping for Success” which involved power-napping, dreams and maximizing mental energy after that gathering.
  6. X came into the room when I was about to give a talk to advertise and promote their own talk that was to be given at roughly the same time.
  7. At the beginning of a workshop nearing the end of the day, X came into the room and approached a series of people and then appeared to look and refer to me. None of the people approached appeared to engage in conversation with X. When it was my turn to speak and introduce myself, and I spoke in English, X looked very disappointed, as though one of his sports teams (if he has any) missed a scoring shot. X didn’t remain in that workshop.
  8. the entire time, from what I could concur, X didn’t belong at this invite-only event (note absence from the attendees list above – although that list is not the official one,) I doubt paid the entry fee, and might have even done all this unbeknownst to the event organizer.
  9. X’s employer, Genesis Partners may have sponsored the event according to my notes and the GP logo can definitely be seen on the 2010 page. In 2009 this About page shows “Our sponsors: IBM, Bank Hapoalim, rest is TBA.” Perhaps GP became a secondary sponsor?
  10. X gave a talk, but this person’s name is not on the CortexStorming page (or any other page that I have been able to find so far on this site) whereas mine is, and my name is also on AppendixStorming for “Sleeping for Success” (which was cancelled – see #5 above.) Why?

    photo: Yaniv Golan (also see #1 above)

    This photo corresponds to #6 where X was asking people to attend his talk in another room, just prior to me giving my CortexStorming talk. I took a similar photo as seen below. I don’t get how he could give another CortexStorming talk (or any talk) simultaneously in another room. What was going on? What was the intention? Note the lack of headband or name tag. Was he an impostor? As far as I’m concerned he was and I welcome his comment. This is because I don’t think he was ever invited to Eurekamp 2009, and if he was (was he?), he behaved partly in a manner in which he was not in terms of the norms of entry, and to me (and others) he behaved as though I was not invited and didn’t belong there. But did I even belong in Israel and to what extent? People should know about this – they should know about the dire pecking order in that country (or rather State). How right I am remains to be fully determined:

    Show me the enemy and I’ll show you a hero!!!

    Continuing, Uri Levanon and Erez Perelmuter are shown on the CortexStorming page (above right) – two people I clearly remember speaking to and later saw at the Town Hall Meeting. I was wearing my headpiece.

photos: Israel Tech Scene 2006-2011 [3]

So what happened that day? For X it was a Normal Day, but for me (and others) it was the witnessing of a True Perp – whether people liked (or knew) it or not.

Yet on the other hand, it may not have been a normal day for X, whose name is Gil Dibner – who I have nothing personally against, and never did. This is because like his target that day, myself (from my aforementioned observations,) perhaps we had both been drawn into what I now come to know as the Shadow Justice System.

[pic 1: Yossi Vardi seated at right. Gil Dibner: 2nd from the left.]

It took 3 attempts to snap Mr Dibner and he didn’t land in that frame by accident.

It was a very disturbing day of what appeared to me as covert social violence, unfortunately. I also wanted to get Mr Vardi in the frame and show the contrast.

However, I did not go out of my way to find and photograph him – it was taken from where I was already sitting and this principle has underpinned all my photos – especially of people in public places – the images come to me first where I already am, and I take my camera out second.

[Above left is the picture I took after in the latter part of 2006 after having met Mr Dibner for the first time. Above right is the picture I took after I briefly stood next to Mr Dibner at Eurekamp whereby he flat-out ignored me and then walked off. I did see him a few more times at later events which may be explored in further posts.]

[additional pics and info regarding event see here (where I mention my talk) and  here – 65 pics – 4 of GD without a nametag or headpiece – others were the same, but it supports my overall argument. For example, Orli Yakuel at least was on the user-generated guest list (see above) and wore a headpiece before removing it along with her nametag. I never saw Mr Dibner wear these ever, even if he does supposedly wear his heart on his sleeve. ]

photos: Yaniv Golan

Continuing, shadow because sin and retribution are determined without due process, cloaked, and in contrast to the law of the land. Also, as mentioned in Launchpad Israel: The Aftermath – 2006 and Beyond I have vast notes to backup my claim: that of dark retribution, and it might well extend from Israel into Australia and that is the main reason for this Eurekamp incident being recorded: this history could well have relevance to today. And as such, this makes that day in 2009 pertinent to much more than just myself.

The entire international, psychological (and even historical) context from which Mr Dibner behaved in relation to me is still yet to be fully explored. One thing to take note from Pharrell Williams (interview 2020) is that:

"People will not realize they are being just as nasty as the people who they feel like are perpetrating. You can end up stooping down just as low. The point is to help you realize you're essentially doing the same thing." ~2:14
"I am an Aries so I am a fighter for what I really, really, really believe in.... but man, No is so good and so powerful. There's so much power and beauty in the word No."  ~12:14

Like Williams, Mr Dibner is also an Aries.

So now in 2021, am I supposed to be still concerned about what happened on that day in 2009? What was the fight about to begin with? Can’t we all just be Libras?


Perhaps fighting tyranny today is about avoiding situations whereby pain can be inflicted at will by the perpetrators from which I speak about. Should punishment fit the crime or crime fit the punishment? And finally, on the road to becoming the wisest, richest or most popular, one must remember that there is “Nothing but Him”…”Ein Od Milvado” !


– see same person in front of whiteboard and behind couch:

sources: [2][3]

1 2 3 4

✓ 2 years ago

Ormus King Octology vs Disney Star Wars


(updated: 14 December, 2021)

I recently watched the 2 videos below and started wondering about all the plot, visual and theme similarities between Ormus King and Star Wars ep 8+9, especially due to the fact that they were developed in the same time period.

In summary, The Rise of Skywalker seems to be a half-baked amalgamation of “Star Wars: Impossible Redemption” + OK4 + OK6 + OK9 with additional  layers to enable it to fit into the new Star Wars universe.

To me, JJ Abrams attempted to create a cosmology: something which Ormus King has but Star Wars does not. Additionally, the Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy wrecked the hero-archetype and journey and this is its main social failure and cause for social upheaval. Ormus King corrects this.

Interestingly, I had a premonition that a type of theft was taking place when I was creating Ormus King 9 and simultaneously publishing it to this blog in mid-late 2019. That came as I witnessed a shoplifting event at a local store:

"During the writing of this story, I encountered (and reported) a shoplifter at Jay Car in Cairns, a 45 min drive away – and that made me think – perhaps my story was (and still is) being used (ie stolen) somehow? Time will tell. - Pyramid Power

So were kleptomaniacs at Disney in my own presence (and had been for a while)?

Read on… you decide.

These are the similarities that I found.


OK2 (21 May 2017) – flying:

SW8 (December 2017) – Leia flying:

Problem: In terms of Leia flying, this has received much criticism and some praise, but my concern is Leia straight ripping off Adrian Boron – even if flying originated in the mainstream with Mary Poppins, the trend of unscrupulous copying begins and becomes significant whereby Star Wars ep9 may likely cause confusion with Ormus King.



OK4 >> Star Wars 9
Planet Velox >> Planet Exegol (evil purpose)
Planet Velox >> Planet Pasaana (underground caverns + lifeforms)
Barahn >> Dark Lord of the Sith
Emerald Order crystal & cave map >> Sith Wayfinder
Soul Harvest Syndicate (SHS) >> Sith Eternal
SHS Temple and Outpost >> Sith Citadel

OK4 (July, August 2018)

SW9 (Dec, 2019)



OK9 (19 September 2019) Healing through touch and accessing a higher dimension:

Eve: Where are we?
JS: I’m not sure, the 4th density perhaps.
[Eve points to a dying flower]
Eve: For it to die here is unusual
JS: Say again
[JS places hand near it – it comes back to life due to his pure intention]
Eve: oh my god, I’ve finally met …
JS: …Jai Shimon, accessing the Wisdom Realm
Eve: Where’s that?
JS: “You go into the Wisdom Realm when you follow the creator’s path.” [Akashic and Intelligence Dimensions]

SW9 (Dec, 2019) – Force Healing:



OK4 (July, August 2018) – fetch quest:

SW9 – the “double fetch quest” (ROSACCF – 17:52) is not an exact clone of OK4, but it is highly comparable in style and visual language:

Extra problem: “There simply isn’t time for much rumination in The Rise of Skywalker, even though the main plot amounts to little more than a video-gamey fetch quest that hops from planet to planet in search of magic doohickeys that will plot a course to the next set piece.” The Most Incoherent Star Wars Movie Ever Made



OK3 (August 2017) – Juxtaposing horses and medieval weapons onto warring spacecraft:

SW9 – How Are They Breathing in Space | Rise Of Skywalker

Extra problem: Are they breathing in space? Difficult for people to accept.



“Star Wars: Impossible Redemption, ep 8” (Jan 2016)

Redeeming Kylo Ren is something I always wanted to see:

SW9 – ​Han Solo Meets Kylo Ren Scene – Star Wars : The Rise Of Skywalker (2019)

Extra problem: “The Rise of Skywalker is uninterested in telling a story of process; it is a film that only seems able to relay narrative information in events. It is a film unable to articulate context past the confines of the frame or the scene.” Star Wars: Why Kylo Ren’s Redemption in The Rise of Skywalker Misses the Point



OK9 (11 Sep 2019)

Long-lived Skrim (OK9) personifies the source of evil (but is beyond it.) Skrim empowers evil across all worlds – he is at the top of the pyramid whereby “rebellions are made up of fallen souls who can influence lifeforms through psychic intrusion.”


Palpatine is “one bad guy pulling the strings behind all nine movies” Lucasfilm Reportedly Developing Palpatine Prequel

“My boy, I have been every voice you have ever heard, inside your head.” (17 December 2019, 0:11)

Thus, the concept of “psychic intrusion” gets implemented in The Rise of Skywalker trailer 3 months after I put it into writing in OK9:

Extra problem: While bringing back Palpatine had been discussed in April, 2019 – it was done in a way that copied Ormus King 9 through psychic intrusion and to me this seems to be SW9’s most egregious rip-off of Ormus King (and my thinking behind it.)



OK6 (21 December 2019)

OK6 >> Star Wars 9
Rippy >> Snoke

“Rippy then stares at the original Idris in suspension similar to the clones in The Prestige.”


The clone tank is visually re-implemented here (ROSACCF – 11:08

Extra problem: “Instead of being a formidable character in his own right, Snoke turned out to be nothing more than a clone who was being puppeteered by Emperor Palpatine.” The Rise of Skywalker Made Snoke’s Last Jedi Death Worse



OK9 (19 September 2019)

A main protagonist channelling a higher power to destroy an opposing army :

[the demons surround them at the summit of the mountain pyramid]
Gog: [loudly to couple] zero prisoners taken
Eve: zero fucks given
Gog: [raises hands to execution squad, makes eye contact with JS]
Jai Shimon: I surrender [both arms raised and drops head]
[lightning bolt comes from JS’s body and vapourizes the entire army]


Palpatine’s exaggerated force-lightning to incapacitate the opposing fleet.
Everything Wrong With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker In Force (19:51):

Extra problem: Palpatine’s rise to supremacy was about tempting people away from the light (via deception and fear) and then infecting them with his brand of darkness. Here he becomes some type of supercharged Marvel villain and thus a misappropriation of his core raison d’etre.

The End!

(for a continuation, see True Perps: 26 July 2021)


✓ 3 years ago